[reSIProcate] One way audio problem

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at jasomi.com
Wed Jun 15 10:59:00 CDT 2005

On Jun 15, 2005, at 05.07, Eustanos wrote:

> Hi, I know this is SIP Forum, but maybe there will be somebody who  
> will find some time to help me.
> I want to applogise everyone who feels disturbed by this mail.
> I'm behind Port Restricted Router. I write softphone using  
> reSIPprocate stack.
> My software also uses STUN. The problem I fight is "one way audio  
> problem".
> When somedoby calls me from PSTN to my computer behind NAT, everything
> works fine (two way audio). But when I make a call from my  
> softphone to the PSTN gateway
> and the other person answers, his voice is cut off, I can't hear  
> anything. But he can hear
> me.
> I know this is NAT problem, when I use computer not behind NAT  
> everything works just fine.
> It's difficult for me to explain why this happens. RTP packets are  
> not send to my computer from
> PSTN gateway. Why ?

Check to ensure that your SDP offer to the gateway is correct. You  
need to offer SDP that points at a discovered or created place in the  
Tracing outside the firewall will likely show that the gateway sent  
RTP to the firewall, where it was dropped. Check your SDP, that is  
almost certainly where the problem lies.


a l a n a t j a s o m i d o t c o m

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