[reSIProcate] Release version number bumping to 0.9.0

Robert Sparks rjsparks at nostrum.com
Thu May 12 22:11:23 CDT 2005

All -

Several contributors have expressed an interest in setting the version
for this upcoming release higher than 0.5.0 to reflect the major leaps
if stability and functionality reSIProcate has gained since the 0.4.0 
was cut. This resonates with conversations I've had with many of you 
over the
last few months.

Based on those conversations and suggestions, I'm going to set the
version to 0.9.0. (This is really Alan's call, but since he was one of 
people pushing for this back in December, I don't think he'll mind me
doing it in his stead).

This is more of a challenge to us all than anything else.
We're within bowshot of a solid 1.0 release. We've got some things
to do to get there. This change will, I hope, help put the pressure
on to get those things done sooner, rather than later.

Comments? Objections?


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