[reSIProcate] Missing windows project files

Robert Sparks rjsparks at nostrum.com
Wed May 11 10:11:35 CDT 2005

Per Cullen's report:

Based on a diff between the current tarball content and the
development tree, I think this is all that's currently missing
wrt the windows build control files. I'll make sure these get
in there. Let me know if we're missing anything else.

Only in sip/resiprocate/dum: dum_7_0.vcproj
Only in sip/resiprocate/dum: dum_7_1.vcproj
Only in sip/resiprocate/dum: dum_8_0.vcproj
Only in sip/resiprocate: resiprocate_7_0.vcproj
Only in sip/resiprocate: resiprocate_7_1.vcproj
Only in sip/resiprocate: resiprocate_8_0.vcproj


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