[reSIProcate] DialogSet ??

kenho at bluebottle.com kenho at bluebottle.com
Wed May 11 06:08:11 CDT 2005

Warning 4355 meaning - passing "this" to a member constructor. For example:

struct Aggregator;
struct Embedded

struct Aggregator
   Embedded mMember;

   Aggregator ()
   : mMember(this)

I looked into current revision, I don't see such usage in the file, it's probably there for historic reason.
I've removed it and checked in.


julien thai wrote:
> Hi,
> In DialogSet.cxx
> I find some code line below:
> Then i tried to look for in msdn for warning 4355, but it doesn't exist?
> What is warning 4355?
> Why do you use this code?
> Thank you for your explain.
> Julien
> Remove warning about 'this' use in initiator list - pointer is only stored
> #if defined(WIN32)
> #pragma warning( disable : 4355 ) // using this in base member 
> initializer list
> #endif
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