[reSIProcate] DTLS committed

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Thu Dec 2 09:41:44 CST 2004

Can the OpenSSL release in DTLS be used to replace SSL that is required for
the USE_SSL flags in resip?  If I build the DTLS library, can I define
USE_SSL, or do I need to link in OpenSSL separately?


-----Original Message-----
From: nagendra modadugu [mailto:nagendra at cs.stanford.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 6:21 PM
To: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
Subject: [reSIProcate] DTLS committed

(Owners of BaseSecurity.cxx and TuIM.cxx please read the whole message).

I just committed DTLS support to the tree.  Things to note:

* To compile with DTLS support, uncomment the 'USE_DTLS'
  switch in build/Makefile.conf

* DTLS source (basically mod'ed OpenSSL) lives under contrib/dtls.
  I'll push updates to this location as DTLS evolves.

* test/limpc can make DTLS connections when given the -dtlsPort flag

* test/limpc looks for certs under ~/.sipCerts/
  The server cert should be called domain_cert_test.pem and the
  corresponding private key domain_key_test.pem

* in the process of making DTLS work, I had to bypass two assert
  statements.  Could the respective owners of these files make sure
  that nothing is broken as a result.  The first assert is in
  BaseSecurity::addRootCertPEM, and the other in TuIM::haveCerts.

* I am in the process building a fresh tree to make sure that nothing
  is broken.  The build doesn't go through on Linux, but that was true
  even prior to my checkin.  I only access to OS X, so if any Windows
  user has trouble building, please let me know.

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