[reSIProcate] Datatype Misalignment exception in resiprocate.lib on a PocketPC device

唐 荣兴 yaotangbb at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 2 04:09:54 CST 2004

Anyone succeeds in porting ReSiprocate on PocketPC, how did they port? 

Thanks & Best Regards,

Steven Tang

>From: Jason Fischl <jason at purplecomm.com>
>To: 唐 荣兴 <yaotangbb at hotmail.com>
>CC: resiprocate-devel at list.sipfoundry.org
>Subject: Re: [reSIProcate] Datatype Misalignment exception in 
resiprocate.lib on	a PocketPC device
>Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2004 21:57:23 -0800
>唐 荣兴 wrote:
> > I have compiled testStack.cxx to run on a PocketPC device with an ARM
> > processor.However certain bits of code can produce a Datatype
> > Misalignment exception, for example in Helper::makeRegister function
> > of Helper.c ( request->header(h_To) = to;).
> >
> > Any comments/suggestions/ response welcome. Thanks for your time.
>Can you try running some of the other test programs as well. For
>example, testData.cxx, testSipMessage.cxx or testParserCategories.cxx
>It would be useful if you could reduce the test case down to the
>simplest possible program that demonstrates the problem.

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