[reSIProcate] SFTF Testing Against resIP/DUM - Results

Cullen Jennings fluffy at cisco.com
Tue Nov 2 18:51:53 CST 2004

Thank you very much for doing this - it's a real help.

On 9/22/04 10:21 AM, "Scott Godin" <slgodin at icescape.com> wrote:

> Hi Resip/DUM Team,
> I've spent the better part of the week trying out the SFTF
> (http://www.sipfoundry.org/sftf/index.html) test tool against the reSip/DUM
> stack.  Since the test cases and tool are still relatively new.  I've spent
> some time with the developer of SFTF (Nils Ohlmeier) to fix some of the issues
> with the SFTF itself.  I've also been checking in some changes to resip over
> the past few days to correct minor issues in the stack to conform to the test
> cases.
> For my testing I uncommented and fixed up validateRequest from
> DialogUsageManager in order to get some of the test cases to pass.  I'm still
> working on that function - and I'll check it in, when I'm happy with it.
> In the meantime - the following test cases failed (that I haven't implemented
> fixes for). Most of them are just because we don't respond when there are
> parse errors.  
> ReSip parser author's: Please let me know if you want to look into these, or
> if you want me to take a stab at them.
> Thanks!
> Scott
> SFTF Tests Failed:
> ----------------------------
> case207 - Content Length Larger than message - Expected Result 400 response -
> but reSIP accepts message.
> case208cseq - Request scalar fields with overlarge values - Expect Result 400
> response if CSeq > 2**32-1 - but reSIP accepts message and overflows CSeq to
> 1.
> case209exp - Request scalar fields with overlarge values - Expect Result 400
> response if Expires > 2**32-1 - but reSIP accepts message
> case211callid/cseq/from/to - Servers are supposed to respond with 400 if any
> CallID/cseq/from/to is missing - reSIP detects error, but does not send any
> response
> case212 - R-URI with unknown scheme - Servers are supposed to respond with a
> 416 - reSIP detects error, but does not send any response (INVITE
> foobar<nobodyknows-pythonrulez> SIP/2.0) Note:  Test passes if a colon is
> used: ie. (INVITE foobar:nobodyknows-pythonrulez SIP/2.0) - DUM rejects in
> validateRequest.
> case225close - TCP Handling - On TCP Server close clients must reopen the
> connection. - Not working. - could be an issue with the SFTF tester??
> case225reuse - TCP Handling - Clients don't close immediately on transaction
> completion, follow-up transactions reuse the TCP connection. - Not working -
> could be an issue with the SFTF tester??
> SFTF Tests Not Executed
> ----------------------------
> -         All tests involving Register method were not executed (I need to get
> my app register code implemented first)
> -         301, 303reg, 304, 401, 702, 703
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