[reSIProcate] SFTF Testing Against resIP/DUM - Results
Scott Godin
slgodin at icescape.com
Wed Sep 22 12:21:42 CDT 2004
Hi Resip/DUM Team,
I've spent the better part of the week trying out the SFTF
<http://www.sipfoundry.org/sftf/index.html> ) test tool against the
reSip/DUM stack. Since the test cases and tool are still relatively new.
I've spent some time with the developer of SFTF (Nils Ohlmeier) to fix some
of the issues with the SFTF itself. I've also been checking in some changes
to resip over the past few days to correct minor issues in the stack to
conform to the test cases.
For my testing I uncommented and fixed up validateRequest from
DialogUsageManager in order to get some of the test cases to pass. I'm
still working on that function - and I'll check it in, when I'm happy with
In the meantime - the following test cases failed (that I haven't
implemented fixes for). Most of them are just because we don't respond when
there are parse errors.
ReSip parser author's: Please let me know if you want to look into these,
or if you want me to take a stab at them.
SFTF Tests Failed:
case207 - Content Length Larger than message - Expected Result 400 response
- but reSIP accepts message.
case208cseq - Request scalar fields with overlarge values - Expect Result
400 response if CSeq > 2**32-1 - but reSIP accepts message and overflows
CSeq to 1.
case209exp - Request scalar fields with overlarge values - Expect Result 400
response if Expires > 2**32-1 - but reSIP accepts message
case211callid/cseq/from/to - Servers are supposed to respond with 400 if any
CallID/cseq/from/to is missing - reSIP detects error, but does not send any
case212 - R-URI with unknown scheme - Servers are supposed to respond with a
416 - reSIP detects error, but does not send any response (INVITE
foobar<nobodyknows-pythonrulez> SIP/2.0) Note: Test passes if a colon is
used: ie. (INVITE foobar:nobodyknows-pythonrulez SIP/2.0) - DUM rejects in
case225close - TCP Handling - On TCP Server close clients must reopen the
connection. - Not working. - could be an issue with the SFTF tester??
case225reuse - TCP Handling - Clients don't close immediately on transaction
completion, follow-up transactions reuse the TCP connection. - Not working -
could be an issue with the SFTF tester??
SFTF Tests Not Executed
- All tests involving Register method were not executed (I need to
get my app register code implemented first)
- 301, 303reg, 304, 401, 702, 703
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