[reSIProcate] bug in StatelessHandler::process() ?

martin.van.den.berg at philips.com martin.van.den.berg at philips.com
Thu Jul 29 03:12:51 CDT 2004

Hi All,

I would like to use the stateless-proxy example as a base for a new 
application. It compiles and runs on my w2k platform. When the 
stateless-proxy succesfully receives messages (INVITE) from my client 
(RTCSampleVB - a MS RTC client example) it posts the request to the 
transaction controller  (in StatelessProxy::forwardRequest() - SipStack::sendTo() - TransactionController::send() ). 

This message is then handled in StatelessHandler::process() where it ends 
in the following "if" branch:
            if (sip->getDestination().transport)
                   ** the message is handled here... **
               DebugLog (<< "Processing request from TU : " << 
               StatelessMessage* stateless = new StatelessMessage(mController.mTransportSelector, sip);
               mController.mTransportSelector.dnsResolve(sip, stateless);

The strange thing is that no message is sent here. Only the DNS resolve is 
executed, the sip message, stateless message and dnsResolve() result are 
not used anymore... I would expect a fourth line where the message is 
forwarded e.g.:
mController.mTransportSelector.transmit( ... )

Any ideas?


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