[reSIProcate] A few upgrades to the API.

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at jasomi.com
Wed Jul 28 12:10:57 CDT 2004


I'm thinking about adding a few quick (painless) upgrades to 

1) an API compatibility call that returns an integer (likely the 
repository revision) of the library (V)
2) an API compatibility call that returns an interger <= (V) that 
indicates the cut-off point for behavioural
    or sematic compatibiliy.

These are for detecting run-time problems with dynamic libraries. (I 
know some platforms do this for you automatically with shared library 
versioning, but not all platforms do. Discuss.

3) Some typedefs to the SdpContents class so clients don't have to have 
code-awareness that the Foos are stored as a std::list vs a std::deque 
etc.  Something like (and there will be many)

	typedef std::list<Codec> CodecList;

and then re-define all members that used to refer to std::list<Codec> 
to CodecList. This increases the maintainability and lifetime of client 
code considerably. Discuss again.



a l a n a t j a s o m i d o t c o m

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