[reSIProcate] solved (was: stateless-proxy example runtime error )

martin.van.den.berg at philips.com martin.van.den.berg at philips.com
Wed Jul 28 07:56:33 CDT 2004

Hi all,

I've found out that the reSIP 0.4.0 contains a bug (win32 only?) in 
ThreadIf.cxx::join(), here to be exact:

#if defined(WIN32)
   DWORD exitCode;
   while ( !GetExitCodeThread(mThread,&exitCode) )

Anyway, I noticed it was fixed in the head revision. This leads to my next 
question: which stable version can I use best from SVN? And, does version 
0.4.0 mean that the reSIP stack is in development/test phase without a 
stable release?

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