[reSIProcate] stateless-proxy example runtime error

martin.van.den.berg at philips.com martin.van.den.berg at philips.com
Wed Jul 28 04:21:02 CDT 2004


We are trying to run the stateless-proxy example. We've compiled on w2k. 
When running the program  immediately quits, reporting the following:

INFO     | c:\sip\resiprocate\resiprocate\udptransport.cxx:31 | Creating 
udp transport host= port=5060 ipv4=1
DEBUG    | c:\sip\resiprocate\resiprocate\transport.cxx:86 | Creating 
fd=876 V4/UDP
DEBUG    | c:\sip\resiprocate\resiprocate\transport.cxx:94 | Binding to
INFO     | c:\sip\resiprocate\resiprocate\transportselector.cxx:112 | 
Adding transport: [ V4 , UDP 
,transport=00000000,connectionId=0 ]
DEBUG    | c:\sip\resiprocate\resiprocate\transport.cxx:86 | Creating 
fd=860 V4/TCP
DEBUG    | c:\sip\resiprocate\resiprocate\tcpbasetransport.cxx:27 | 
Opening TCP 860 : 0066A668
DEBUG    | c:\sip\resiprocate\resiprocate\transport.cxx:94 | Binding to
INFO     | c:\sip\resiprocate\resiprocate\transportselector.cxx:112 | 
Adding transport: [ V4 , TCP 
,transport=00000000,connectionId=0 ]
DEBUG    | c:\sip\
runtime error resiprocate\resiprocate\transactionmap.cxx:15 | Deleting 
TransactionMap: 0012F15C 0 entries
DEBUG    | c:\sip\resiprocate\resiprocate\transactionmap.cxx:15 | Deleting 
TransactionMap: 0012F150 0 entries
DEBUG    | c:\sip\resiprocate\resiprocate\udptransport.cxx:40 | Shutting 
down [ V4 , UDP ,transport=00000000 ,connectionId=0 ]
DEBUG    | c:\sip\resiprocate\resiprocate\transport.cxx:46 | Closing 876
DEBUG    | c:\sip\resiprocate\resiprocate\tcpbasetransport.cxx:60 | 
Shutting down TCP Transport 0066A668 860 :5060
DEBUG    | c:\sip\resiprocate\resiprocate\transport.cxx:46 | Closing 860

To initialise the proxy we've added the following code (iso the pop-table 
and parser): 
   char proxyHost[] = "sip:";
   int proxyPort=5060;
   char targetHost[]= "sip:"; 
   int targetPort=5070;
   char logType[] = "cerr";
   char logLevel[] = "LOG_DEBUG";

Are these parameters correct?

Martin van den Berg
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