[reSIProcate] Out-of-Dialog OPTIONS Handling added to DUM

Scott Godin slgodin at icescape.com
Mon Jul 19 15:13:29 CDT 2004

I just checked in changes for out-of-dialog options handling.  To make use
you must add an OutOfDialog handler for the OPTIONS message to dum by
calling: dum->addOutOfDialogHandler(OPTIONS, &handler)


You can then implement the following handler in your callback object:

onRecievedRequest(ServerOutOfDialogReqHandle, ood, const SipMessage&


            // Add SDP before sending if required.




If you don't implement a handler then default responses are automatically
enabled - using the settings in the dum profile - in this case an SDP
response can never be generated.


Right now this handler is called even if the OPTIONS request is in-dialog -
at least until I can determine the best way to implement in-dialog OPTIONS







Scott Godin

Research and Development

Computer Talk Technology

slgodin at icescape.com

905-882-5000 and 'Say my name' or x127


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