[reSIProcate] Memory leaks

yuhuicai yuhuicai at vip.163.com
Sat Jul 10 05:59:42 CDT 2004

I write a small test program to test the SipMessage class and find a serious memory leak problem(VC 7.1 under win2000). The main part of the program is:

	for(int i = 0; i < 100000; i++){
		 auto_ptr<SipMessage> message(Helper::makeInvite( Sip_Target, Sip_MyContact,Sip_MyContact));
	 	 auto_ptr<SipMessage> msg200( Helper::makeResponse(*message, 200,Sip_Target) );

It just produce a INVITE message and then make a 200 response. After those codes executed, I found about 6000K byte leaked. By tracing the resiprocate library, finally I find the problem located in three classes which derived from std::ostream or std::iostream.

In file Md5Stream.cxx, line 49, I changed the following codes

   : std::ostream(0),


   : std::ostream(&mStreambuf),
//    init(&mStreambuf);

I also make the same changes to CountStream::CountStream() and DataStream::DataStream(Data& str). Now the memory leak disappeared !
I don't know why those changes work since the  std::ostream(&mStreambuf) also calls  init() in std::basic_ios constructor, but it really eliminates the leaks. 

I still find another leak. I write two programs to test INVITE,  200 and ACK. One program steadly send INVTE to another porgram via lan, the second one resonse 200 to the first one. When the sending speed is not so fast(about 10 msgs per second), no memory leaks. While the sending speed arised to about 50 msgs per second, memory leaked quicklly,  I stop the sender program and wait for 30 seconds or more for transactions to release; however, many memory released but the gross memory increased. 

I think maybe the state machine for transactin has many bugs that misbehaved when some timer overtimed(fast msg sending always make timer overtime).  I still tracing this bug but it's very hard to find.

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