[reSIProcate] RouteSet not being Re-Calculated

Jason Fischl jason at purplecomm.com
Fri Jul 9 13:35:36 CDT 2004

> I have included a trace from a simple SIP session below. From the trace
> you can see that the UAS is not receiving ACKs in response to an Invite
> OK.
> The is because the Record-Route is not being computer properly.
> According to RFC3261 :
> Section 2xx Responses
> ....
>    If the dialog identifier in the 2xx response matches the dialog
>    identifier of an existing dialog, the dialog MUST be transitioned to
>    the "confirmed" state, and the route set for the dialog MUST be
>    recomputed based on the 2xx response using the procedures of Section
> ......
> However in the Dialog.cxx class the Record-Route does not get
> re-calculated. If the mRouteSet variable is reset (in the
> Dum::Dialog::dispatch(...)) method based on what was in the response
> everything works fine.

Looks like a bug and it should be fixed. If you don't see it updated in the
next day or so, create a bug-tracker entry in jira on sipfoundry.

> Brian.
> P.S. Should I be posting such comments here - I noticed that the
> SipFoundry page has a bug-tracker of sorts, should I be using that
> instead?

This is probably the best place for such comments but for persistent
problems or more difficult ones to describe/solve the bug-tracker is


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