[reSIProcate] Autotools Update

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at jasomi.com
Mon Jun 21 20:49:07 CDT 2004


There is now preliminary support for using the autotools build system 
that we were using prior to the migration to Subversion.

To use the autotools build system, simply check out a recent main 
subversion release and do the following:

sh use-autotools.sh
sh autogen.sh

NOTE: Some files will be removed and others will be overwritten (those 
that are parts of the old AND new systems)
It is the responsibility of the developer to AVOID checking in any 
derived autotools files.  Hopefully svn won't try to, but if
it appears to be trying -- let me know and I'll improve the 
use-autotools.sh script.

Unlike before, it is safe to run use-autotools.sh multiple times.

Some recent changes to the configure script that this generates:
	o You can suppress Content types with (for example --without-SipFrag 
or --without-PlainContents)
	  Use this at your own peril / discretion.

	o The shared library revision number is no longer related to the 
resiprocate release number.
	  The library revision will be changed as we break backward 
compatibility in the API/ABI.

	o configure can take a specification for Data's local stack buffer 
size. Default remains at 128 bytes.
	  --enable-data-local-size=32 (for example)

	o Old build system has RESIP_DATA_LOCAL_SIZE var in Makefile.pkg and 
	  Apologies if this isn't implemented to 'old spec' Please IRAN.

	o You can really speed up the autotools build with the following (as 
		o --disable-shared or --disable-static -- if you only need on or the 
		o --with-pic -- if you want both, but don't mind PIC code in your 
static library
		o --disable-dependency-tracking (for one-off builds)
		o --disable-libtool-lock -- on uniprocessor machines doing serial 

	o The autotools allow you to have multiple compile trees for a single 
source tree.
		I typically do this:
		svn co https://scm.sipfoundry.org/rep/resiprocate/main
		cd sip
		sh use-autotools.sh
		sh autogen.sh
		mkdir compile
		cd compile
		../configure --enable-ipv6 --disable-static --disable-elog

Next steps:
	o I will be testing that useful tarballs can be made and posting an 
updated tarball to the site.
	o Start to look at changing things so that it is 'safe' to install 
resiprocate using make install.
	  PRESENTLY: it is not considered safe to do a 'make install' and we 
STRONGLY recommend linking against
	  your in-situ libraries in <build_path>resiprocate/.libs

Alan Hawrylyshen
reSIProcate Project Administrator
a l a n a t j a s o m i d o t c o m

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