[reSIProcate] Re: Documentation

Mohammed Petiwala mhpetiwala at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 8 07:41:29 CDT 2004

If the original authors provide some training sessions and provide the users detailed understanding of the stack along with examples of using the stack, then we can pick up from that point and start adding simple/short usage examples as well as document the code/components and architecture of the stack. I am willing to contribute once I get some hands on knowledge of the stack... 
Mohammed H. Petiwala
Senior Staff Engineer
iDEN-WLAN, Motorola Inc.

Cullen Jennings <fluffy at cisco.com> wrote:
On 6/7/04 3:53 PM, "Mohammed Petiwala" <mhpetiwala at yahoo.com> wrote:

P.S. The only thing that this stack lacks!! is documentation - really need documentation and simple user examples to get users start using the stack without having to go through the whole code.... ;-)

Totally agree. Folks, perhaps we need a work session dedicated to nothing but documentation.

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