[reSIProcate] Documentation

Klaus Darilion klaus.mailinglists at pernau.at
Tue Jun 8 02:40:09 CDT 2004

I agree too! Once I tried to write a simple UA, but I canceled my plans 
because of lack of documentation and working sample code.

A simple UA (like josua for osip) would be great - then the UA 
developers could take a look at the sample UA and learn how to use the 
stack instead of going through the whole stack to understand its usage.


PS: Sorry if such a sample code is already present - i have not looked 
at the code for a while.

Cullen Jennings wrote:
> On 6/7/04 3:53 PM, "Mohammed Petiwala" <mhpetiwala at yahoo.com> wrote:
>     P.S. The only thing that this stack lacks!! is documentation -
>     really need documentation and simple user examples to get users
>     start using the stack without having to go through the whole
>     code.... ;-)
> Totally agree. Folks, perhaps we need a work session dedicated to 
> nothing but documentation.
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