[reSIProcate] DUM: InviteSession

Derek MacDonald Derek at xten.com
Fri Jun 4 19:30:15 CDT 2004

Calling all DUM architects,

Our discussion on InviteSession and its children didn't make it into the
code, specifically the enqueue related change.

My recollection of enqueue:

call setOffer or setAnswer
call enqueue()

the handler will receive an onQueuedReadyToSend with a SipMessage for them
to adorn
send is called.

Correct?  Horribly wrong?

I also found...

      virtual void sendOfferInAnyMessage();
      virtual void sendAnswerInAnyMessage();

in ServerInviteSession, but not in InviteSession, which is odd.  Were these
deprecated by enqueue?


PS -- In InviteSession.cxx, is there any particular reason the bodies of
setOffer and setAnswer are commented out? Uncommented comment outs are

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