[Fwd: RE: [reSIProcate] A newbie question]
Sam Ganesan
bilbo at cetusnet.net
Thu Jun 3 20:52:43 CDT 2004
Jason: Denizens of the List:
Since u thought that it should be posted though it was a newbie question
I decided to join and post it myself....
I am shooting for about 100 concurrent calls with hold times of between
8 and 10 secs as a bench mark at a minimum. Not counting the
provisionals I am looking at INVITE,(ignore the 100, 180), 200 OK, ACK.
More like about 300 transactions. I dont expect all of them to start
perfectly in synchrony of course..... Working backwards, I think a safe
assumption would be somewhere around 20 -30 transactions any given
second if the calls distribute themselves evenly over the call hold
times... but may be more like peaks of 100 transactions per sec if we
follow the traffic modelling erlangs.... I would like to be get some
metrics... One of the things I weanted to do was to add methods int he
app for getting metrics for our call systems
Now for the next question - why did I want to send it even without a
via... I wanted to see if I could sort of build a call distributor to
say 10 call handlers by rewriting the RURI to point to the chosen call
handler and get out of the way.... a Via header obviously would not hurt
anything .... but the minimalistic streak in me took over!!! :)
I am also interested in implementing 3265 (that was a typo in my msg)
which the subscribe-notify piece...
"Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you --- Jung"
-----Forwarded Message-----
From: Jason Fischl <jason at purplecomm.com>
To: Sam Ganesan <bilbo at cetusnet.net>
Subject: RE: [reSIProcate] A newbie question
Date: Thu, 03 Jun 2004 10:26:40 -0700
Hi Sam,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sam Ganesan [mailto:bilbo at cetusnet.net]
> Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 9:09 AM
> To: Jason Fischl
> Subject: RE: [reSIProcate] A newbie question
> So if I wanted to buid an application that will field say 100 calls
> concurrently on appropriate hardware, would I start the stack on one
> thread and have a bunch of threads on the app side or would you
> recommend I invoke the stack in multithreaded ??
You would most likely run the stack in single-threaded mode. The
multithreaded mode has limited application. 100 simultaneous calls will be
very low load for the stack. How many call setups / second do you expect?
> Also the stateless or stateful parameter - any write up on all of what
> it changes in stack behaviour??
You always want to use the stateful mode. Have a look at the section of
rfc3261 on stateless proxies if you want to learn more about the stateless
mode. It is a highly discouraged type of proxy.
> For example I am interested in rewriting a URI as well as a bunch of
> other headers to the app spec and then sending it to the new ruri but
> wihtout adding even a Via header..... under these circumstances would I
> instantiate the stack steless or stateful
This is not permitted in an rfc compliant element (either stateful or
stateless). You won't be able to get resiprocate to send a request without a
Via header. Why would you want to do this? It might be that you are looking
for functionality that would be provided by a b2bua.
> Sorry to be a pest. I have been using the NIST Java stack and the Jain
> apis and am running into performance issues... resiprocate looks great
> and I want to really get familiar with it quickly. If I can I will add
> patches for RFC3264 and 3264 compliance once I get familiar with the
> stack and its use
The offer/answer model is currently being implemented in the
DialogUsageManager (dum) library. You should have a look.
PS. Can I post this answer to the list?
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