[reSIProcate] CVS -> SVN Migration Starting Today

Alan Hawrylyshen alan at jasomi.com
Tue May 25 10:46:19 CDT 2004


I'd like to start the migration to SVN today. If you have any immediate 
concerns, please contact me ASAP.
Full instructions for accessing the new repository will be provided 
here (or at least a summary of previous links for SipFoundry's 
repository information).

Note: Developers with write access to the reSIProcate repository MUST 
create issue-tracker accounts on SipFoundry (and request corresponding 
accounts for SVN) so that we can setup your access to the new 
This step can be done immediately, so far, nobody has sent me their 
account details.



And set up an issue tracker account.  Mail me the account name and I 
will co-ordinate SVN write-access for people.

Once you are setup, you can experiment with SVN by manipulating the 
test project:


See the SipFoundry SVN pages for more:



Alan Hawrylyshen
Jasomi Networks Inc.
a l a n a t j a s o m i d o t c o m

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