[reSIProcate] [Resiprocate-devel] ADMIN: Source Code Repository Migration

Scott Lawrence slawrence at pingtel.com
Sun May 23 16:50:14 CDT 2004

On Sun, 2004-05-23 at 17:06, Derek MacDonald wrote:
> Well, I'm have a branch going on that I want to merge back within 1-2 weeks.
> Will this be impacted by the subversion migration?

There is a converter that takes a CVS archive in and produces a
subversion repository out, including full history, tags, and branches. 
We actually tested it some weeks ago using the resiprocate CVS archive
as input, and it seems to have worked well (we'll throw that one away
and do the conversion over again for the real thing).

It will, as Alan said, _NOT_ do anything about changes you have in
working copies - if what you have is not checked in somewhere, you will
have to check out a subversion working copy and merge in the changes by

> The plan looks something like this:
>   [1] Announce migration and point people to resources at SipFoundry for
> Subversion usage.
>   [2] Solicit opinions on lock-down date/time.
>   [3] Remove all write access to cvs.resiprocate.org.
>   [4] Archive entire project.
>   [5] Import project at SipFoundry and lock project.
>   [6] Verify integrity of imported project.
>   [7] Create developer accounts for all current cvs.resiprocate.org
> developers.
>   [8] Release lock on new SipFoundry project.

One slight change to the above - the creation of SIPfoundry accounts is
in no way dependent on any of the rest of the above; you can and should
create your accounts now.  See 


Once you create the issue tracker account, Alan can create the
corresponding subversion account for you.

> [A] SipFoundry Tool Overview  :  http://www.sipfoundry.org/tools/
> [B] SipFoundry and Subversion :
> http://www.sipfoundry.org/tools/subversion.html
> [C] Subversion at Tigris      :  http://subversion.tigris.org/

I'd also suggest looking at the (new) Subversion Tips page:


Scott Lawrence
Consulting Engineer
Pingtel Corp.   
sip:slawrence at pingtel.com
+1.781.938.5306 x162

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