I went back and tried resiprocate 9737 with the original webrtc patch and don't have any issues, however with the latest resiprocate b-webrtc branch I am still seeing issues with contact length.
INFO | 20130321-183833.863 | repro | RESIP | 47440478557952 | SipMessage.cxx:931 | Content Length (4419) is 3461 bytes larger than body (958)! (We are supposed to 400 this)
DEBUG | 20130321-183833.863 | repro | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 47440478557952 | Transport.cxx:382 | incoming from: [ V4 WS target domain=unspecified mFlowKey=34 ]
DEBUG | 20130321-183833.863 | repro | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 47440478557952 | Connection.cxx:401 | Connection::performReads() read=1448
INFO | 20130321-183833.863 | repro | RESIP:TRANSPORT | 47440478557952 | TcpConnection.cxx:42 | No data ready to read
DEBUG | 20130321-183833.863 | repro | RESIP | 47440476456704 | Helper.cxx:373 | Helper::makeResponse(SipReq: INVITE
1000@ tid=5431563 cseq=9253 INVITE contact=7hiindve@sfj5jrha5fb4.invalid / 9253 from(wire) code=400 reason=
Segmentation fault (core dumped)