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Re: [reSIProcate-users] Issues building WebRTC branch

On 18/03/13 23:38, Nathan Stratton wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 5:31 PM, Daniel Pocock <daniel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> It will only try to compile reTurn after compiling everything else, so
>> you should probably already have a working build of repro
> Correct, however I actually don't even need repro, we just use reSIProcate
> stack for our MCU and WebRTC gateway. I am trying to build a resiprocate
> RPM for install on my dev boxes without having to hack the spec file to get
> around this return issue.

Looking at the reTurn error, you need asio.hpp

Are you using the latest spec file?  It should check for the asio devel

BuildRequires: asio-devel

You could do

  find /usr/include -name asio.hpp

to make sure it is really there and if it is in a custom location (NOT
boost asio though) you can use

  ./configure CXXFLAGS="-I/opt/my-asio-headers/include" ......

>> I just made more changes over the weekend, the SSL support is working
>> now, so you should be able to configure something like this:
>> Transport3Interface =
>> Transport3Type = WSS
>> Transport3RecordRouteUri = auto
>> Transport3TlsDomain = my-host.example.org
>> Transport3TlsClientVerification = None
>> Transport3RecordRouteUri = sip:my-host.example.org;transport=WSS
>> I tested from SIPml5
>> The above can successfully REGISTER even when running in a browser on a
>> network that only allows external access via a proxy (with HTTP CONNECT
>> for port 443 only)
> I will give it a try with our MCU and JsSIP client.
>>>> --with-ssl is essential for WebSockets (although the secured websocket
>>>> support is a bit broken, it will be fixed shortly though)
>>> Yes:
>>> autoreconf --install
>>> ./configure --with-ssl
>>> make -j8
>> Your build command looks fine, my last test was done with this:
>> ./configure --with-ssl   --with-c-ares --prefix=/opt/resip-ws
> Yes, I have tried with and without c-ares, still run into the reTurn issues.