Re: [reSIProcate-users] [recon-devel] TLS and SRTP and recon bug report
Thanks Alex, I'm running the repro on, the tls used 5061 port,
and run bria pro and my UA on my PC:
Now with TLS the problem is:
1: Eyebeam call to bria pro, the bria pro can't received the ACK after sent 200 OK.
2: The bria pro call to eyebeam, the eyebeam can't received ACK after sent 200 OK
3: My UA call to bria pro or eyebeam, the bria and eyebeam can't receivd ACK after sent 200 OK
4: My UA call to My UA, the server replied 503 and callee can't received call.
5: The bria or eyebeam call to my UA, the server replied 503 and my ua can't received call.
On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 5:41 PM, Alexander Chemeris
<Alexander.Chemeris@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Karlsson,
2009/2/27 Karlsson <boost.regex@xxxxxxxxx>:
> 2: I'm runing repro with on with TLS, I using my UA and
> bria pro to test the TLS call, after the bria anwered 200 ok, my ua sent an
> ACK,
> but the bria never received my ACK, so the bria was terminated call after 30
> seconds. Why ?
Are you sure it works in the same setup without TLS enabled?
I'm not sure about recon, but with sipX libs similar problem may
happen, if you run it on a machine with several network interfaces
without binding to a correct one. Then replies are routed to a wrong
network and are never received by remote party.
Alexander Chemeris.
SIP VoIP, IM and Presence Consulting
tel: +1 (617) 273-4000