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Re: [reSIProcate] Replaces header

You access the params just like you would on any other header. The .value() refers only to the header field value itself, and not any attached params.

Best regards,
Byron Campen


resip/stack/SipMessage.hxx defines:

       defineHeader(Replaces, "Replaces", CallID, "RFC 3261");

I think the "Replaces" header is defined in RFC 3891

Also I am not able to fetch the whole value of the Replaces header,
say a SIP message contains this header:

   Replaces: 425928@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;to-tag=7743;from-tag=6472

using the following code to extract the header:

     Data str = msg->header(h_Replaces).value();

now "str" contains only "425928@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" but the to/from
tag is missing. looking at CallId.cxx it seems to terminate at the first

CallID::parse(ParseBuffer& pb)
    const char* start = pb.skipWhitespace();
    pb.skipToOneOf(ParseBuffer::Whitespace, Symbols::SEMI_COLON);
    pb.data(mValue, start);


is this a bug, or is there another way of extracting the whole
Replaces header value ?


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