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Re: [reSIProcate] ClientSubscriptionHandler



From: resiprocate-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:resiprocate-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Matthias Moetje
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 11:56 AM
To: resiprocate-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [reSIProcate] ClientSubscriptionHandler




could someone please shed some light on the callback functions of the ClientSubscriptionHandler? Some are easy to understand but when are:


onUpdatePending, onUpdateActive and onUpdateExtension actually called?

[Scott] One of these are called when a notify is received.  The one that is called depends on the current subscription state.  I think Extension is used when the state is neither Pending or Active.  I don’t fully understand why these callbacks were separated this way, perhaps someone else can shed some light on that.


What should I return in onRequestRetry (should I return the retrySeconds value)?

[Scott] I would suggest returning some the min of retrySeconds and some application configured setting for subscription retry.


Am I correct that for dealing with a ClientSubscription which was implicitly created through REFER, it is sufficient to wait for ClientSubscriptionHandler::onTerminated, then create a SIP message from the sipfrag and use this message’s response code to determine if the REFER was successful or not?

[Scott] You can look for a SIP final response code (non-1xx) in the SipFrag bodies of the onUpdateXXX callbacks and checking for 2xx vs 3xx-6xx to determine success or failure.  However the subscription should be ended on the final response, so an onTerminated callback should immediately follow.



Thanks for any help,


Matthias Moetje


Augustenstraße 24
80333 Munich


