[reSIProcate] alternatives to Bugzilla / git-bug (storing bugs in the repository)

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.pro
Mon Jul 5 05:37:12 CDT 2021

We've had some discussions about the future of Bugzilla

Github provides an issue tracker but we also have the option to disable
that feature in the Github service and use any other issue tracker.

One tool that comes to mind is git-bug[1].  There is a review[2] with
screenshots.  It may not be right for reSIProcate but it raises some
interesting ideas for discussion.

The key feature of git-bug is that it stores bugs inside the repository
like source files.


- when you clone the repository, you are receiving full history of all
bugs, it lives in your local hard disk like branches and code history.
Everybody has a full history of all bugs and discussions when you are
offline, on an airplane, etc

- no server is really required - people can share the Git repository in
a peer-to-peer mechanism, there is no vendor lock-in.  To move the bug
tracker, we simply move the repository to any other hosting company.


- the tool is relatively new, may need more testing

- delays in sharing bugs from people who do not have commit access, they
need to submit their bugs like pull requests

1. https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/MichaelMure/git-bug


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