[reSIProcate] Bugzilla tidy up / Products, Components and Versions
Daniel Pocock
daniel at pocock.pro
Fri Apr 9 03:15:50 CDT 2021
Bugzilla's concept of Versions are associated with each Product.
repro, reConServer and reTurnServer were each listed as separate
products in Bugzilla. Each of these applications is actually inside the
main reSIProcate tarball release and tagged with the same versions as
the overall release.
Therefore, I changed each of those top-level Products into Components
under the reSIProcate Product.
When we release, it is necessary to tell Bugzilla about the new version
number using this form
People can then select the Version when it is applicable, for example,
if you tested on a particular Version or if we are scheduling a fix for
a future Version.
We can create Versions before releasing them, for example, to schedule
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