[reSIProcate] issue about stack crash when sip message parsing onMAC OS
lvbin at xylink.com
Mon May 25 20:11:12 CDT 2020
I saw the post, Thanks! I will check that.
Original Message
Sender:Scott Godinsgodin at sipspectrum.com
Recipient:lvbinlvbin at xylink.com
Cc:resiprocate-develresiprocate-devel at resiprocate.org
Date:Monday, May 25, 2020 22:26
Subject:Re: [reSIProcate] issue about stack crash when sip message parsing onMAC OS
I wonder if this is somehow related to the issue that Yannick just saw (although his issue was with compilation). If you look up his recent post, you might want to try "touch"ing the .gperf files and having those source files regenerated to see if that helps with your issue.
On Sat, May 23, 2020 at 4:55 AM lvbin lvbin at xylink.com wrote:
Hello everyone,
I send my question to this email, is that right?
Below is my question:
I met an issue that the stack always crashed when receiving SIP messages. By debugging I found all crashes happened on xxxHash functions, like: MethodHash::in_word_set() and HeaderHash::in_word_set().
What have I missed some configuration when compiling library? I just ran ./Configure make make install on my Mac(os version 10.13.6). My IDE is Xcode.
Thanks for your help!
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