[reSIProcate] Ubuntu Xenial - Build broken

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.pro
Mon May 25 09:48:35 CDT 2020

On 23/05/2020 19:45, Yannick Guay wrote:
> Hello resiprocate-devel,
> The current resiprocate "--with-repro" build from github HEAD appears
> broken so I thought I would post here a workaround that worked for me.

This may be related to different versions of gperf in Debian, Ubuntu and
Fedora.  We had some glitches when there were some Fedora-related
changes here too.

You can look in the files we distribute to see the gperf version that
was used to create them:

  head -3 resip/stack/gen/*.cxx

If you touch the *.gperf files then the *.cxx files will be regenerated
for you using your own version of gperf.

What we need to clarify:

- which version of gperf do you have?

- is there another version of gperf we should use as a default or is 3.1
currently the best default?

- should we change anything on the gperf command line we use to create
the default versions of these files?

- do we automatically touch those files from the Makefile so that all
*nix systems will always regenerate them?  We could also put some
conditional logic in the Makefile, e.g.
  if [ OS==Xenial ] ;  touch *.gperf .....

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