[reSIProcate] issue about stack crash when sip message parsing on MAC OS

Dmytro Bogovych dmytro.bogovych at gmail.com
Sat May 23 07:30:07 CDT 2020

I'm resiprocate user rather, not developer (but familiar with
resiprocate internals).

Used resiprocate on many platforms including macOS.
I've never met such problem.

For me it sounds like memory management problem.

Did you check with clang's AddressSanitizer ?
May you post call stack with examples ?

On May 23 2020, at 11:47 am, lvbin <lvbin at xylink.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I send my question to this email, is that right?
> Below is my question:
> I met an issue that the stack always crashed when receiving SIP
> messages. By debugging I found all crashes happened on xxxHash
> functions, like: MethodHash::in_word_set() and HeaderHash::in_word_set().
> What have I missed some configuration when compiling library? I just
> ran ./Configure & make & make install on my Mac(os version 10.13.6).
> My IDE is Xcode. 
> Thanks for your help!
> Bin
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