[reSIProcate] updating to asio 1.14.0

Scott Godin sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Fri Mar 27 14:41:03 CDT 2020

I have updated the recon files with the same changes mentioned above,
however I'm getting a bunch of multiply defined linker errors.  The use of
ASIO/Boost in these files is very sensitive to header file ordering.  These
issues can be tricky to track down.

sample snippet, I get a whole bunch of these - still trying to track it

9>MOHParkServer.obj : error LNK2005: "public: __thiscall
boost::detail::shared_count::shared_count(class boost::detail::weak_count
const &)" (??0shared_count at detail@boost@@QAE at ABVweak_count@12@@Z) already
defined in MOHManager.obj
9>MOHParkServer.obj : error LNK2005: "public: __thiscall
boost::detail::shared_count::shared_count(class boost::detail::weak_count
const &,struct boost::detail::sp_nothrow_tag)" (??0shared_count at detail
@boost@@QAE at ABVweak_count@12 at Usp_nothrow_tag@12@@Z) already defined in
9>MOHParkServer.obj : error LNK2005: "void __cdecl
(?sp_enable_shared_from_this at detail@boost@@YAXZZ) already defined in
9>MOHParkServer.obj : error LNK2005: "void __cdecl
boost::detail::yield(unsigned int)" (?yield at detail@boost@@YAXI at Z) already
defined in MOHManager.obj
9>ParkManager.obj : error LNK2005: "public: __thiscall
boost::detail::shared_count::shared_count(class boost::detail::weak_count
const &)" (??0shared_count at detail@boost@@QAE at ABVweak_count@12@@Z) already
defined in MOHManager.obj
9>ParkManager.obj : error LNK2005: "public: __thiscall
boost::detail::shared_count::shared_count(class boost::detail::weak_count
const &,struct boost::detail::sp_nothrow_tag)" (??0shared_count at detail
@boost@@QAE at ABVweak_count@12 at Usp_nothrow_tag@12@@Z) already defined in
9>ParkManager.obj : error LNK2005: "void __cdecl
(?sp_enable_shared_from_this at detail@boost@@YAXZZ) already defined in
9>ParkManager.obj : error LNK2005: "void __cdecl
boost::detail::yield(unsigned int)" (?yield at detail@boost@@YAXI at Z) already
defined in MOHManager.obj
9>ParkOrbit.obj : error LNK2005: "public: __thiscall
boost::detail::shared_count::shared_count(class boost::detail::weak_count
const &)" (??0shared_count at detail@boost@@QAE at ABVweak_count@12@@Z) already
defined in MOHManager.obj
9>ParkOrbit.obj : error LNK2005: "public: __thiscall
boost::detail::shared_count::shared_count(class boost::detail::weak_count
const &,struct boost::detail::sp_nothrow_tag)" (??0shared_count at detail
@boost@@QAE at ABVweak_count@12 at Usp_nothrow_tag@12@@Z) already defined in
9>ParkOrbit.obj : error LNK2005: "void __cdecl
(?sp_enable_shared_from_this at detail@boost@@YAXZZ) already defined in
9>ParkOrbit.obj : error LNK2005: "void __cdecl
boost::detail::yield(unsigned int)" (?yield at detail@boost@@YAXI at Z) already
defined in MOHManager.obj


On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 2:23 PM Daniel Pocock <daniel at pocock.pro> wrote:

> On 27/03/2020 19:19, Scott Godin wrote:
> > This is resolved for reTurn now, the main thing needed was to update the
> > include path and add the 2 new pre-processor defines.
> >
> > Recon still needs to be updated now.
> reCon builds on my system - can you please clarify, do you believe some
> codes changes are needed in reCon or you just need to change the Visual
> Studio files?
> Regards,
> Daniel
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