[reSIProcate] updating to asio 1.14.0

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.pro
Mon Mar 23 16:55:56 CDT 2020

Hi Scott,

Thanks for trying this

If you define the macros in your Visual Studio build command line, does
that fix it or you already tried that?

I'm sorry about the inconvenience with this but as this it the current
asio version and Fedora is going to use 1.14.0, I felt it is better to
squeeze it in now before release.

As an alternative to the macros, it occurred to me that we could also
make our own typedefs for the various classes and methods that are
renamed/moved: seconds(), milliseconds() and steady_timer()/deadline_timer()

I would prefer not to support that if we can avoid it but if it is
essential then we can include it.



On 23/03/2020 22:49, Scott Godin wrote:
> FYI - this has broken builds on Windows and will need to be looked into.  
> Hopefully I will get time to look into this soon, please let me know if
> anyone else is looking into it as well.
> Scott
> On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 6:00 PM Daniel Pocock <daniel at pocock.pro
> <mailto:daniel at pocock.pro>> wrote:
>     I've added asio 1.14.0 to contrib/asio and made changes to the reTurn
>     and reflow code
>     In particular, a couple of extra macros need to be defined, I set these
>     in the Linux autotools build system and we probably need to replicate
>     them for Windows and any other platform:
>     Notice that it will no longer build with asio 1.10.x, it still builds
>     with 1.12.x on Debian and Ubuntu.  Fedora is soon going to have 1.14.0
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