RFC3455 <-> RFC7315 support

Jan Granqvist jan_granqvist at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 17 05:16:01 CST 2019

 Hi all, We've some issues with a SIP trunk supporting VoLTE.On incoming INVITE from the SIP trunk, the SIP stack responds with'400 Bad Request(Multiple values in single-value header P-Access-Network-Info)'. Looking at the offending header(P-Access-Network-Info) in the INVITE request, one can see a comma separated value. The RFC3455 states that there may only exist one element of 'access-net-spec'.However, RFC3455 has been superseded by RFC7315(although updated by RFC7913), where it now is possible to have multiple elements of 'access-net-spec'. I can assume that this requires a small change of re-defining header 'PAccessNetworkInfo' to a multi-header.
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