[reSIProcate] Resiprocate/DUM assert hit when rearrenged/lost packets received

Szokovacs Robert robert.szokovacs at gamma.co.uk
Thu Jul 13 08:33:47 CDT 2017

Hello all,

We still have this problem and I still can't solve it unfortunately :(
I have created a barebones testcase that reproduces the scenarios.
The attached sipp scenario XMLs should be run like:

./sipp -i -p 12010 -sf refer100.xml
./sipp -i -p 12010 -sf refer.xml

and run the  BasicCall from resip/dum/test patched with the attached
diff. This test app has only one leg, the client leg in my original
post, and I simulated the BYE from the "A" leg with end() in the
onNewSubscriptionFromRefer(). The BasicCall app will crash and produce
the stacktrace I described below.

Please take a look!




On 2016-11-11 11:41, Szokovacs Robert wrote:
> Hi all,
> We have found a situation where a malicious third party possibly can
> crash the resiprocate based application by carefully rearranging SIP
> packets.
> We have the following setup: the resiprocate-based B2BUA receives the
> incoming call, calls the application server on an other leg, which,
> after some processing, REFERs the call towards it's final destination.
> Relevant packet flow:
> 1, A leg -> INVITE -> B2BUA
> 2, A leg <- 100 <- B2BUA
> 3, A leg <- 200OK <- B2BUA
> 4, B2BUA -> INVITE -> AppServer
> 5, B2BUA <- 100 <- AppServer
> 6, B2BUA <- 200OK <- AppServer
> 7, B2BUA -> ACK -> AppServer
> 8, B2BUA <- REFER <- AppServer
> 9, B2BUA -> 202 -> AppServer
> Etc, etc.
> In our situation packet #6 got lost and for reasons not important here
> the AppServer doesn't wait for ACK (#7) before sending the #8 REFER, #9
> is 491 instead of 202. All this is fine and correct behaviour; the
> problem manifests when the A leg sends BYE, causing our B2BUA to end the
> B leg too (bye calling AppDialogSet::end(), which in turn calls
> DialogSet::end() ), before #6 was retransmitted and received. Upon
> receiving the BYE, our app crashed:
> #16 in resip::Dialog::cancel (this=<optimized out>) at Dialog.cxx:341
> line 338: void
> Dialog::cancel()
> {
>    resip_assert(mType == Invitation);
>    ClientInviteSession* uac =
> dynamic_cast<ClientInviteSession*>(mInviteSession);
>    resip_assert (uac);
>    uac->cancel();
> line 345: }
> #17 in resip::DialogSet::end (this=0x874a27) at DialogSet.cxx:987
> line 983: for (DialogMap::iterator it = mDialogs.begin(); it !=
> mDialogs.end(); it++)
>                {
>                   try
>                   {
>                      it->second->cancel();
>                   }
>                   catch (UsageUseException& e)
>                   {
>                      InfoLog(<< "Caught: " << e);
>                   }
> line 993:   }
> Further investigation uncovered an other situation, when both #5 and #6
> is missing and not retransmitted, we hit a different assert, when the
> timeout generates the internal 408 response:
> #3  in __GI___assert_fail (assertion=0x875e85 "mDialogs.empty()",
> file=0x85b510 "DialogSet.cxx", line=352, function=0x8768c0 "void
> resip::DialogSet::dispatch(const resip::SipMessage&)") at assert.c:103
> #4  in resip::DialogSet::dispatch (this=0x7efec001f8d0, msg=...) at
> DialogSet.cxx:352
> line 350:  if (mState == WaitingToEnd)
>    {
>       resip_assert(mDialogs.empty());
>       if (msg.isResponse())
> line 354:  {
> #5  in resip::DialogUsageManager::processResponse (this=<optimized out>,
> response=...) at DialogUsageManager.cxx:2173
> #6  in resip::DialogUsageManager::incomingProcess (this=0x7efefa6690c0,
> msg=...) at DialogUsageManager.cxx:1680
> #7  in resip::DialogUsageManager::internalProcess (this=0x7efefa6690c0,
> msg=...) at DialogUsageManager.cxx:1486
> #8  in resip::DialogUsageManager::process (this=0x7efefa6690c0,
> mutex=<optimized out>) at DialogUsageManager.cxx:1710
> What common in these scenarios is that the DialogSet has unexpected
> Dialogs hanging around (in the wrong state in the first case, existing
> at all in the second). We think the root of the problem is that after
> DUM sends the 491 response to the wayward REFER, it should get rid of
> the corresponding Dialog, but for some reason, doesn't. We don't see
> where would it fit naturally to do it, so we have no patch proposal yet,
> please comment, advise!
> Thanks in advance!
> br
> Szo

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