[reSIProcate] Why TransactionState set mDnsRestult as 0
Scott Godin
sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Tue Mar 21 11:44:56 CDT 2017
Hi Edwin,
I see - nice catch! I think we should be moving the if(mDnsResult) block
to after the sendToTU call. ie:
if (mState == Calling || mState == Proceeding)
// MUST pass the received response up to the TU, and
the client
// transaction MUST generate an ACK request, even if
the transport is
// reliable, if transport is Unreliable then Fire the
Timer D which
// take care of re-Transmission of ACK
mState = Completed;
mController.mTimers.add(Timer::TimerD, mId, Timer::TD
SipMessage* ack =
Helper::makeFailureAck(*mNextTransmission, *sip);
sendToTU(sip); // don't delete msg
Can you test this change out, and if everything looks good, I will commit
Thanks for helping out!
On Tue, Mar 21, 2017 at 9:32 AM, 海滨 <lhb8859138 at 163.com> wrote:
> If we set the mDnsResult as 0 when receive the 503 response for the udp
> transaction, the dns entry seems never been blacklisted in sendToTu
> function even though the retry-after value is more than 0. is it reasonable?
> Thanks
> Edwin Li
> 在 2017-03-21 02:36:57,"Scott Godin" <sgodin at sipspectrum.com> wrote:
> Here are the check-in notes. Are you seeing a problem with this change?
> Thanks,
> Scott
> * Two changes that were somewhat tangled together, since they both used
> the same
> refactoring of the Transport SendData code.
> 1) State shedding modifications to TransactionState
> In a number of cases, we were preserving state (in the form of
> SipMessages
> and DnsResults) in cases where we did not really need them any more. For
> example, once we have transmitted a response, there is no need
> to preserve the full SipMessage for this response (the raw retransmit
> buffer
> is sufficient). Also, INVITE requests do not need to be maintained once
> a final response comes in (since there is no possibility that we'll
> need to
> send a simulated 408 or 503 to the TU, nor will we need to construct a
> request using the INVITE, nor will we need to retransmit). Similarly,
> once we
> have received a final response for a NIT transaction, we no longer need
> to
> maintain the original request or the retransmit buffer. Lastly, if we
> are
> using a reliable transport, we do not need to maintain retransmit
> buffers
> (although we may need to maintain full original requests for simulated
> responses and such).
> This change has basically no impact on reliable NIT performance, but a
> huge
> impact on non-reliable and INVITE performance. Prior to this change,
> either
> NIT UDP or INVITE TCP testStack would exhaust main memory on my laptop
> (with
> 4GB of main memory), bringing progress to a complete halt on runs
> longer than
> 15 seconds or so. I did not bother trying INVITE UDP, but that works
> now too.
> 2) Reduction in buffer reallocations while encoding a SipMessage
> TransportSelector now keeps a moving average of the outgoing message
> size,
> which is used to preallocate the buffers into which SipMessages are
> encoded.
> This ends up making a small difference in testStack when linked against
> google
> malloc, but a larger difference when linked against OS X's (horrible)
> standard
> malloc.
> On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 11:29 AM, 海滨 <lhb8859138 at 163.com> wrote:
>> 1.10.2: TransactionState.cxx line1322~1327
>> The mDnsResult is set to 0 here, which is different from 1.7.
>> Thanks
>> Edwin Li
>> 在 2017-03-19 23:13:53,"Scott Godin" <sgodin at sipspectrum.com> wrote:
>> What is the source file and line number?
>> Thanks,
>> Scott
>> On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 8:29 PM, 海滨 <lhb8859138 at 163.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Does anyone know why TransactionState set mDnsRestult as 0 when receive
>>> the 503 response from wire if mIsReliable=false from release 1.8, instead
>>> of blacklist the last result(which is implemented in 1.7)? I can't see any
>>> information about this change in the release note.
>>> Thanks
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