[reSIProcate] Resiprocate/DUM assert hit when rearrenged/lost packets received

Szokovacs Robert robert.szokovacs at gamma.co.uk
Fri Nov 11 04:41:41 CST 2016

Hi all,

We have found a situation where a malicious third party possibly can
crash the resiprocate based application by carefully rearranging SIP

We have the following setup: the resiprocate-based B2BUA receives the
incoming call, calls the application server on an other leg, which,
after some processing, REFERs the call towards it's final destination.

Relevant packet flow:

1, A leg -> INVITE -> B2BUA

2, A leg <- 100 <- B2BUA

3, A leg <- 200OK <- B2BUA

4, B2BUA -> INVITE -> AppServer

5, B2BUA <- 100 <- AppServer

6, B2BUA <- 200OK <- AppServer

7, B2BUA -> ACK -> AppServer

8, B2BUA <- REFER <- AppServer

9, B2BUA -> 202 -> AppServer

Etc, etc.

In our situation packet #6 got lost and for reasons not important here
the AppServer doesn't wait for ACK (#7) before sending the #8 REFER, #9
is 491 instead of 202. All this is fine and correct behaviour; the
problem manifests when the A leg sends BYE, causing our B2BUA to end the
B leg too (bye calling AppDialogSet::end(), which in turn calls
DialogSet::end() ), before #6 was retransmitted and received. Upon
receiving the BYE, our app crashed:

#16 in resip::Dialog::cancel (this=<optimized out>) at Dialog.cxx:341

line 338: void
   resip_assert(mType == Invitation);
   ClientInviteSession* uac =
   resip_assert (uac);
line 345: }

#17 in resip::DialogSet::end (this=0x874a27) at DialogSet.cxx:987

line 983: for (DialogMap::iterator it = mDialogs.begin(); it !=
mDialogs.end(); it++)
                  catch (UsageUseException& e)
                     InfoLog(<< "Caught: " << e);
line 993:   }

Further investigation uncovered an other situation, when both #5 and #6
is missing and not retransmitted, we hit a different assert, when the
timeout generates the internal 408 response:

#3  in __GI___assert_fail (assertion=0x875e85 "mDialogs.empty()",
file=0x85b510 "DialogSet.cxx", line=352, function=0x8768c0 "void
resip::DialogSet::dispatch(const resip::SipMessage&)") at assert.c:103
#4  in resip::DialogSet::dispatch (this=0x7efec001f8d0, msg=...) at

line 350:  if (mState == WaitingToEnd)
      if (msg.isResponse())
line 354:  {

#5  in resip::DialogUsageManager::processResponse (this=<optimized out>,
response=...) at DialogUsageManager.cxx:2173
#6  in resip::DialogUsageManager::incomingProcess (this=0x7efefa6690c0,
msg=...) at DialogUsageManager.cxx:1680
#7  in resip::DialogUsageManager::internalProcess (this=0x7efefa6690c0,
msg=...) at DialogUsageManager.cxx:1486
#8  in resip::DialogUsageManager::process (this=0x7efefa6690c0,
mutex=<optimized out>) at DialogUsageManager.cxx:1710

What common in these scenarios is that the DialogSet has unexpected
Dialogs hanging around (in the wrong state in the first case, existing
at all in the second). We think the root of the problem is that after
DUM sends the 491 response to the wayward REFER, it should get rid of
the corresponding Dialog, but for some reason, doesn't. We don't see
where would it fit naturally to do it, so we have no patch proposal yet,
please comment, advise!

Thanks in advance!



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