[reSIProcate] [resiprocate/resiprocate] send/receive text message mechanism through MESSAGE message (#53)

Scott Godin notifications at github.com
Tue Aug 9 10:55:38 CDT 2016

> @@ -483,6 +486,18 @@ public:
>     virtual void onDtmfEvent(ParticipantHandle partHandle, int dtmf, int duration, bool up) = 0;
>     ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> +   // Pager Message Handlers /////////////////////////////////////////////
> +   ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> +
> +   virtual void onMessageArrived(resip::ServerPagerMessageHandle handle, const resip::SipMessage& message) = 0;
> +   // Called when a MESSAGE has been successfully sent
> +   virtual void onSuccess(resip::ClientPagerMessageHandle handle, const resip::SipMessage& status) = 0;
> +   // Application could re-page the failed contents or just ingore it.
> +   virtual void onFailure(resip::ClientPagerMessageHandle handle, const resip::SipMessage& status, std::auto_ptr<resip::Contents> contents) = 0;
> +   
> +   const char* sendMessage(const resip::NameAddr& destination, const resip::Data& msg, const resip::Mime& mimeType);

It would have been much nicer (and more work) to have use the concept of participants and allow message participants in a conversation, instead of this quick an dirty - here's a message, you figure out what to do with it.  If we allowed conversations with multiple message participants we could implement a chat group concept in recon.

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