[reSIProcate] Operating SIP account without Empathy

Udit Raikwar udit043.ur at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 06:16:51 CDT 2016

Currently we use empathy for sending and receiving messages from SIP
Is it necessary to use Empathy ? Can't we do it using terminal ?
I was reading
and execute command

> resip/stack/test/testClient debug 'sip:udit1 at ws.sip5060.net;transport=udp'

I saw some output in terminal and then a question arises to me that 'Can we
send and receive messages using terminal' or 'Is there any alternate way to
operate sip account instead of using Empathy'
Udit Raikwar,
Jabalpur Engineering College.
<https://plus.google.com/+UditRaikwar>  <https://www.facebook.com/udit.tutu>
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