[reSIProcate] sip account

Mateus Bellomo mateusbellomo at gmail.com
Mon Jun 27 09:50:31 CDT 2016


I'm trying to debug a functionality that I'm implementing and for that I
need to send a message to my user that is logged in using resiprocate. My
account is mateus1 at ws.sip5060.net.

The problem is that using sipsak I'm not reaching the server and I don't
know why:

mateus at mateus:~/resiprocate/apps/telepathy$ sipsak -vv -s
sip:mateus1 at ws.sip5060.net
No SRV record: _sip._tcp.ws.sip5060.net
No SRV record: _sip._udp.ws.sip5060.net
using A record: ws.sip5060.net
warning: need raw socket (root privileges) to receive all ICMP errors
** timeout after 500 ms**
** timeout after 1000 ms**
** timeout after 2000 ms**

So I made a different account on getonsip server (mateusbellomo at getonsip.com).
Using that account on Jitsi (or even in the getonsip website [1]) I can see
a response after sipsak command.

Then I tried to use mateusbellomo at getonsip.com to log in at resiprocate but
got a lot of errors. Is there another sip server that I could connect at
resiprocate, or anynone know why sipsak is not reching ws.sip5060.net?

Thanks in advance

[1] https://www.getonsip.com/
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