[reSIProcate] [resiprocate/resiprocate] log errno names instead of values (#47)

Udit Raikwar notifications at github.com
Sun Jun 12 13:28:53 CDT 2016


In Order to solve this bug, I have created one header file **Errdes.hxx** inside _rutil_ directory. It has an error messages associated with the error number/code from the following functions :

-> [SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL](http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/cgi-bin/manpage?3+errno) 
-> [SSL_get_error](https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/ssl/SSL_get_error.html)
-> [X509_verify_cert_error_string](https://www.openssl.org/docs/manmaster/crypto/X509_STORE_CTX_get_error.html)

I have updated all the files(32) that contains numeric log messages. Now these files will call function from Errdes.hxx and will log error message instead of error code.

int e = getErrno();
ErrLog( << "socket error " << e);
At present, logs a numeric error code, e.g.
  "socket error 22"
After commit, it will log error message, e.g.
"socket error EINVAL (Invalid argument)"

For quick view of all the files that i have updated please [visit](http://paste.debian.net/hidden/11d413da/)
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * log errno names instead of values

-- File Changes --

    M apps/clicktocall/HttpBase.cxx (9)
    M apps/clicktocall/HttpConnection.cxx (9)
    M apps/clicktocall/XmlRpcConnection.cxx (7)
    M apps/clicktocall/XmlRpcServerBase.cxx (27)
    M apps/ichat-gw/MediaRelay.cxx (11)
    M configure.ac (3)
    M repro/HttpBase.cxx (12)
    M repro/HttpConnection.cxx (7)
    M repro/RegSyncClient.cxx (17)
    M repro/XmlRpcConnection.cxx (5)
    M repro/XmlRpcServerBase.cxx (27)
    M resip/recon/MOHParkServer/HttpBase.cxx (10)
    M resip/stack/ConnectionManager.cxx (5)
    M resip/stack/DateCategory.cxx (10)
    M resip/stack/GenericPidfContents.cxx (5)
    M resip/stack/InternalTransport.cxx (7)
    M resip/stack/TcpBaseTransport.cxx (15)
    M resip/stack/TcpConnection.cxx (7)
    M resip/stack/TransportSelector.cxx (9)
    M resip/stack/ssl/DtlsTransport.cxx (82)
    M resip/stack/ssl/Security.cxx (11)
    M resip/stack/ssl/TlsConnection.cxx (31)
    M resip/stack/test/Resolver.cxx (11)
    M resip/stack/test/Transceiver.cxx (4)
    M resip/stack/test/dumpTls.cxx (11)
    M resip/stack/test/testSipStackInvite.cxx (4)
    M rutil/DnsUtil.cxx (65)
    A rutil/Errdes.hxx (268)
    M rutil/FdPoll.cxx (20)
    M rutil/FileSystem.cxx (4)
    M rutil/ServerProcess.cxx (5)
    M rutil/Socket.cxx (105)
    M tfm/Resolver.cxx (5)
    M tfm/TestRtp.cxx (7)

-- Patch Links --


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