[reSIProcate] future of ichat-gw / libgloox

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.pro
Fri Jun 10 14:48:51 CDT 2016

The ichat-gw[1] code doesn't build with the current versions of
libgloox[2] in Linux systems

One of the GSoC students could do some work to update ichat-gw for the
latest libgloox, but before asking them to spend any time on it I'd like
to clarify some things about it:

- is libgloox still the way to go, or would another XMPP client be

- is it working with current versions of iChat as well?

- can anybody suggest any tests to be made for validating changes?

- does testing with Prosody XMPP server sound reasonable?

- any other comments about things that could be done with this code,
e.g. to make it work with things other than iChat?

1. https://github.com/resiprocate/resiprocate/tree/master/apps/ichat-gw
2. http://camaya.net/gloox/

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