[reSIProcate] [Telepathy] [telepathy] - Cannot connect to SIP account using empathy

Mateus Bellomo mateusbellomo at gmail.com
Tue May 31 19:46:39 CDT 2016

Hello Balram,

when I try to connect a SIP account with rakia or sofia-sip I get the same
error (I don't know why). But you should see some debug going on if you do
try to connect with resiproctate. Are you sure that you are using SIP from

If you do:

$ dpkg -l | egrep 'telepathy-(sofia|rakia)'

you could see if you have sofiasip or rakia installed. In that case you
could purge them.

ps: in ubuntu I couldn't connect resiprocate with empathy (It wont show an
option for SIP account).

2016-05-31 19:36 GMT-03:00 Balram Pariyarath <balbbrl at gmail.com>:

> Hey guys, when I run ./telepathy-resiprocate, it shows:
> tp-qt DEBUG: Building ProtocolParameter with flags not containing
> ConnMgrParamFlagHasDefault and a default value, updating flags to contain
> ConnMgrParamFlagHasDefault
> tp-qt DEBUG: Interface
> "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.Protocol.Interface.Addressing" plugged
> tp-qt DEBUG: Protocol "sip" added to CM
> tp-qt DEBUG: Registering protocol "sip" at path
> "/org/freedesktop/Telepathy/ConnectionManager/resiprocate/sip" for CM
> "/org/freedesktop/Telepathy/ConnectionManager/resiprocate" at bus name
> "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.ConnectionManager.resiprocate"
> tp-qt DEBUG: Registered object
> "/org/freedesktop/Telepathy/ConnectionManager/resiprocate/sip" at bus name
> "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.ConnectionManager.resiprocate"
> tp-qt DEBUG: Registering CM
> "/org/freedesktop/Telepathy/ConnectionManager/resiprocate" at bus name
> "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.ConnectionManager.resiprocate"
> tp-qt DEBUG: Registered object
> "/org/freedesktop/Telepathy/ConnectionManager/resiprocate" at bus name
> "org.freedesktop.Telepathy.ConnectionManager.resiprocate"
> But when I choose to connect to my SIP account, it doesnt happens. Says
> its unable to connect to the SIP account. No reason specified.
> --
> *Balram P MenonTech Head | Excel 2016*
> Computer Science and Engineering (Batch: 2013-17)
> Govt. Model Engineering College, Kochi-21
> [image: ☎]: 8129130866
> ✉: balbbrl at gmail.com <p.balram96 at gmail.com>
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