[reSIProcate] multipart/alternative content-type

Scott Godin sgodin at sipspectrum.com
Tue May 17 10:11:42 CDT 2016

There is a setting on the InviteSessionHandler constructor that will tell
DUM to provide you with the entire body back instead of just Sdp bodies.
Check out the following comment in InviteSessionHandler.hxx

    Base class for class InviteSessionHandler.  The application must
override this class
    and provide an imlementation of the handlers below.  The class must
then be set as
    an invite session handler on dum

    If you wish to handle invite session offer/answers using generic
contents instead of
    SDP, then construct this class with a bool argument of true, and be
sure to add
    implementations of all of the handlers below that take a Contents
parameter type
    (ie. onEarlyMedia, onOffer, onAnswer, and onRemoteAnswerChanged).
Overriding these
    methods will cause their SdpContent counterparts to not be called.  You
can then provide
    a basic empty body implementation of these SdpContent versions of the

    Example handler for generic (non-sdp only) invite sessions:
    class MyInviteSessionHandler : public InviteSessionHandler
       MyInviteSessionHandler() : InviteSessionHandler(true) {};
       virtual void onOffer(InviteSessionHandle, const SipMessage& msg,
const SdpContents&)
       {}  // No body required
       virtual void onOffer(InviteSessionHandle, const SipMessage& msg,
const Contents&)
          // Add handler body here


On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 10:02 AM, Diego Carvalho Domingos <
ddomingos at daitangroup.com> wrote:

> Thanks for answering, Scott
> But where I would get the whole multipart contents from?
> Like I said, I’m using the getContents method from the SipMessage class,
> and this is returning a SdpContents already (otherwise the dynamic_cast
> would fail), not a MultipartAlternativeContents.
> Regards,
> Diego
> *From:* slgodin at gmail.com [mailto:slgodin at gmail.com] *On Behalf Of *Scott
> Godin
> *Sent:* segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2016 15:18
> *To:* Diego Carvalho Domingos <ddomingos at daitangroup.com>
> *Cc:* resiprocate-devel at resiprocate.org
> *Subject:* Re: [reSIProcate] multipart/alternative content-type
> There is a great helper method for this.  Check out resip/Helper.hxx/cxx
> and the getSdp method.  If it doesn't do exactly what you want, it's a
> great starting ground for whatever you need.
> Scott
> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 2:11 PM, Diego Carvalho Domingos <
> ddomingos at daitangroup.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> How do I access multiple SDP’s of an INVITE which the content-type is
> multipart/alternative? In my case the INVITE contains two SDP’s and for
> some reason, the way I get the SDP is getting the second one. For instance,
> in the onNewSession method:
> onNewSession(ClientInviteSessionHandle, InviteSession::OfferAnswerType
> oat, const SipMessage& msg)
> I do:
> SdpContents* contents = dynamic_cast<SdpContents*>(msg.getContents());
> Why this is getting me the second one? How do I access the first one? I
> saw that there is a subclass of Contents called
> MultipartAlternativeContents but I don’t think this is the one returned by
> getContents because if so the dynamic_cast would fail.
> I appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.
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