[reSIProcate] Testing

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.pro
Fri May 13 02:54:26 CDT 2016

On 13/05/16 02:41, Mateus Bellomo wrote:
> Hello,
> How can I test a functionality that I just added? For example now I'm
> implementing contact list interface functions at
> resiprocate/apps/telepathy and I want to see some function calls to this
> methods that I am implementing.

For unit testing Telepathy components in general, it may be better to
ask this question on the Telepathy mailing list to see if anybody has a
technique or tool for doing that.

For reSIProcate, you can use gdb or ddd.  You can install them both with
apt, e.g.

$ sudo apt-get install ddd

Note that there is a standard way of debugging autotools projects, e.g
for gdb:

$ libtool --mode=execute gdb apps/telepathy/telepathy-resiprocate

and for ddd (the gdb GUI):

$ libtool --mode=execute ddd apps/telepathy/telepathy-resiprocate

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