[reSIProcate] Problem while installing resiprocate

Mateus Bellomo mateusbellomo at gmail.com
Sat May 7 12:28:28 CDT 2016

I tried to compile again the reSIProcate and I'm getting the same error
(I'm running on Debian jessie 8.3 and I just clone again the reSIProcate

Maybe some of the last commits caused it (the version I got like one month
ago wasn't with this issue).

2016-05-04 6:41 GMT-03:00 Daniel Pocock <daniel at pocock.pro>:

> On 03/05/16 08:04, Udit Raikwar wrote:
> > Hello
> > I am Udit, my proposal
> > <
> https://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2016/StudentApplications/UditRaikwar>
> also
> > got accepted under debian organisation in GSoC program.
> > I am having some problems while installing resiprocate, I am using
> > Ubuntu 14.04.
> > I run these commands :
> >
> > $ sudo git clone https://github.com/resiprocate/resiprocate.git
> > $ sudo apt-get build-dep resiprocate
> > $ cd resiprocate
> > $ sudo build/debian.sh && make -j5
> >
> > and got this output
> > How to resolve this problem, please help.
> Hi Udit,
> Thanks for querying this.  You only need to use the resiprocate-devel
> mailing list address (please don't send queries to both lists
> simultaneously)
> The error.txt output and the screenshot don't show exactly the same
> thing, it looks like you only redirected stdout into error.txt, please
> try redirecting stderr too, e.g.
>     make -j5 > error.txt 2>&1
> It looks like some parts of the build did succeed and only the reTurn
> component is not building.
> It looks like you ran build/debian.sh with sudo.  Please don't do that,
> it may create files in the build tree owned by root and then other
> programs will have trouble working with those files.  I'd suggest trying
> this:
> cd ~/Desktop/2may/resiprocate
> sudo chown -R udit:udit *
> build/debian.sh
> make -j5 > error.txt 2>&1
> An initial guess about the "undefined reference" error is that your
> Ubuntu has an older version of the asio or boost libraries.  Is it
> possible you can update your computer to run Debian jessie[1] or a newer
> Ubuntu?  You could ask on the debian-user[2] mailing list for the
> recommended way to go from Ubuntu 14.04 to Debian jessie, you may also
> find people in #debian-soc on IRC who can help.
> Regards,
> Daniel
> 1. https://micahflee.com/2013/01/why-im-leaving-ubuntu-for-debian/
> 2. https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/
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