[reSIProcate] GCC 6 build issues

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.pro
Thu Feb 25 12:04:28 CST 2016

Fedora did an automated rebuild of all packages with GCC 6 and
reSIProcate failed:


Data.cxx: At global scope:
Data.cxx:760:50: error: 'bool resip::operator<(const resip::Data&, const
resip::Data&)' should have been declared inside 'resip'
 resip::operator<(const Data& lhs, const Data& rhs)
Makefile:733: recipe for target 'Data.lo' failed

There could be more errors, they stopped on the first one.

Has anybody already been looking at GCC 6 builds?

There are some comments here about the rebuild, compile flags:


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