[reSIProcate] [resiprocate] Implement server error conditions (#32)

tasifacuj notifications at github.com
Mon Oct 26 04:47:28 CDT 2015

* implement  http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3261#section-18.1.1, paragraph 8
Under error conditions, the
   server may attempt to open a new connection to send the response.  To
   handle this case, the transport layer MUST also be prepared to
   receive an incoming connection on the source IP address from which
   the request was sent and port number in the "sent-by" field.
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-- Commit Summary --

  * Implement server error conditions

-- File Changes --

    M resip/stack/Connection.cxx (10)
    M resip/stack/Connection.hxx (5)
    M resip/stack/ConnectionManager.cxx (4)
    M resip/stack/TcpBaseTransport.cxx (9)
    M resip/stack/TcpConnection.cxx (4)
    M resip/stack/TcpConnection.hxx (2)
    M resip/stack/TcpTransport.cxx (2)
    M resip/stack/WsConnection.cxx (5)
    M resip/stack/WsConnection.hxx (3)
    M resip/stack/WsTransport.cxx (2)
    M resip/stack/ssl/TlsConnection.cxx (2)

-- Patch Links --


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