[reSIProcate] TLS/WSS support for DH, ECDH and PFS added

Karlsson boost.regex at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 03:30:10 CDT 2015

Hi Daniel, about the Diffie-Hellman (DH) parameters file, does it is only
one file for global ? For example, I have set more than one TLS transports
for multiple domains but just need only one DH file, right ? And the DH
file is a random content not relates to any domain ?


On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 11:59 PM, Daniel Pocock <daniel at pocock.pro> wrote:

> I've just added support for Diffie Hellman (DH and ECDH) on TLS transports.
> This won't be backported to 1.9.x, it will be part of the 1.10.0 release.
> It is briefly explained in repro.config, see TlsDHParamsFilename
> If a client doesn't support DH or ECDH and if you have enabled cipher
> suites without DH or ECDH then a connection is still possible.
> If you change the list of cipher suites to only support DH or ECDH
> ciphers, then it will only accept connections with peers capable of
> using this.
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